Function winnow::sequence::delimited

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pub fn delimited<I, O1, O2, O3, E: ParseError<I>, F, G, H>(
    first: F,
    second: G,
    third: H
) -> impl Parser<I, O2, E>where
    I: Stream,
    F: Parser<I, O1, E>,
    G: Parser<I, O2, E>,
    H: Parser<I, O3, E>,
Expand description

Apply three parsers, only returning the output of the second.


  • first The first parser to apply and discard.
  • second The second parser to apply.
  • third The third parser to apply and discard.


use winnow::sequence::delimited;
use winnow::bytes::tag;

let mut parser = delimited("(", "abc", ")");

assert_eq!(parser.parse_next("(abc)"), Ok(("", "abc")));
assert_eq!(parser.parse_next("(abc)def"), Ok(("def", "abc")));
assert_eq!(parser.parse_next(""), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("", ErrorKind::Tag))));
assert_eq!(parser.parse_next("123"), Err(ErrMode::Backtrack(Error::new("123", ErrorKind::Tag))));