Module futures_util::future

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Asynchronous values.

This module contains:

  • The Future trait.
  • The FutureExt and TryFutureExt trait, which provides adapters for chaining and composing futures.
  • Top-level future combinators like lazy which creates a future from a closure that defines its return value, and ready, which constructs a future with an immediate defined value.


pub use core::future::Future;


A handle to an Abortable task.
A registration handle for an Abortable task. Values of this type can be acquired from AbortHandle::new and are used in calls to Abortable::new.
A future/stream which can be remotely short-circuited using an AbortHandle.
Indicator that the Abortable task was aborted.
Future for the and_then method.
Future for the catch_unwind method.
Future for the err_into method.
Future for the flatten method.
Sink for the flatten_sink method.
Stream for the flatten_stream method.
Future for the fuse method.
A custom trait object for polling futures, roughly akin to Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + Send + 'a>.
Future for the inspect method.
Future for the inspect_err method.
Future for the inspect_ok method.
Future for the into_future method.
Stream for the into_stream method.
Future for the join function.
Future for the join3 function.
Future for the join4 function.
Future for the join5 function.
Future for the join_all function.
Future for the lazy function.
A custom trait object for polling futures, roughly akin to Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + 'a>.
Future for the map method.
Future for the map_err method.
Future for the map_into combinator.
Future for the map_ok method.
Future for the map_ok_or_else method.
Future for the never_error combinator.
Future for the ok_into method.
A future representing a value which may or may not be present.
Future for the or_else method.
Future for the pending() function.
Future for the poll_fn function.
Future for the poll_immediate function.
Future for the ready function.
A future which sends its output to the corresponding RemoteHandle. Created by remote_handle.
The handle to a remote future returned by remote_handle. When you drop this, the remote future will be woken up to be dropped by the executor.
Future for the select() function.
Future for the select_all function.
Future for the select_ok function.
Future for the shared method.
Future for the then method.
Future for the try_flatten method.
Future for the try_flatten_stream method.
Future for the try_join function.
Future for the try_join3 function.
Future for the try_join4 function.
Future for the try_join5 function.
Future for the try_join_all function.
Future for the try_select() function.
Future for the unit_error combinator.
Future for the unwrap_or_else method.
A weak reference to a Shared that can be upgraded much like an Arc.


Combines two different futures, streams, or sinks having the same associated types into a single type.
A future that may have completed.
A future that may have completed with an error.


A future which tracks whether or not the underlying future should no longer be polled.
An extension trait for Futures that provides a variety of convenient adapters.
A convenience for futures that return Result values that includes a variety of adapters tailored to such futures.
Adapters specific to Result-returning futures
A custom implementation of a future trait object for FutureObj, providing a vtable with drop support.


Creates a new Abortable future and an AbortHandle which can be used to stop it.
Create a future that is immediately ready with an error value.
Joins the result of two futures, waiting for them both to complete.
Same as join, but with more futures.
Same as join, but with more futures.
Same as join, but with more futures.
Creates a future which represents a collection of the outputs of the futures given.
Creates a new future that allows delayed execution of a closure.
Wraps a future into a MaybeDone
Create a future that is immediately ready with a success value.
Creates a future which never resolves, representing a computation that never finishes.
Creates a new future wrapping around a function returning Poll.
Creates a future that is immediately ready with an Option of a value. Specifically this means that poll always returns Poll::Ready.
Creates a future that is immediately ready with a value.
Waits for either one of two differently-typed futures to complete.
Creates a new future which will select over a list of futures.
Creates a new future which will select the first successful future over a list of futures.
Joins the result of two futures, waiting for them both to complete or for one to produce an error.
Same as try_join, but with more futures.
Same as try_join, but with more futures.
Same as try_join, but with more futures.
Creates a future which represents either a collection of the results of the futures given or an error.
Wraps a future into a TryMaybeDone
Waits for either one of two differently-typed futures to complete.

Type Definitions

An owned dynamically typed Future for use in cases where you can’t statically type your result or need to add some indirection.
BoxFuture, but without the Send requirement.